Alex Glinsky

Minsk, Belarus

+375 (25) 976-62-37


Data Scientist and Computer Vision engineer with strong math background and 2 years of experience using deep learning algorithms, data processing, and data mining algorithms to solve challenging healthcare problems. Also familiar with classic Computer Vision algorithms and experienced in integrating deep learning models to production software, such as web or desktop application.



Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Bachelor degree

Вычислительные машины, системы и сети


Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Master degree

Технологии виртуализации и облачных вычислений

In 2017 I completed Open Machine Learning Course in Top-12 among more than 500 participants, mostly thanks to the first place in the final ML competition Catch Me If You Can: Intruder Detection through Webpage Session Tracking.


Computer Scientist / Researcher

October 2011 - present

Belarusian State Medical University



In 2017 I was taking part in Эвотор Data Challenge on boosters platform and took the 3rd place. The first place was taken by Dmitry Ulyanov, who created a well-known application Prisma.

tr Later, same year, as a member of team Laine Assist I took the 3rd place in AI Hackaton. Our goal was to develop an application for road situation / road sign recognition based on Computer Vision and Deep Learning alghoritms.

I am also a big fan of Kaggle competitions, and I have reached top-1000 among 83.5k users:

stackoverflow profile

And i have an active Profile on StackOverflow:

stackoverflow profile

And, finally, I like to solve difficult programming tasks on Codewars: